Monday, February 3, 2014

the plunge.

Just so we're all clear, we dropped the ball for two weeks in a row. Ate garbage, no workouts, the whole nine. Back on track today with some power yoga and a fresh set of groceries.

Moving on...

This week marks one year that A.J. and I have been working at The Chapel - Barrington as Campus Youth Pastors. This has been one of the most rewarding, trying, incredible things we have ever done- together and individually. Two weeks ago we had a milestone experience in ministry; we got to baptize our first student together! Words really fail me as an experience like that is supernatural. To come together as a church and watch a young person dedicate her life to the pursuit of Christ is incomparable.

Check out this clip of people from our church being baptized. We're at the end with Katherine :)

1 comment:

  1. It has seriously been a year?! Wow! You and AJ are doing such a wonderful job. :-)
